While Most Places Businesses in France are the Best and Most Beautiful Places in the World, There are Other Places Businesses Worthy of Note

Tag Archives: Fist fight

Remodels that Inspire

Remodels that Inspire

Recently I have been traveling quite frequently, not out of any great need or obligation but because I feel stifled, trapped in rut both at home in France and in my temporary rest stop bathroom abode, America. While abroad, I brood, walking the streets during the day, muttering to self and yelling at people who pass by on street until police are called and bribe is needed to release me from jail.

This brooding and street harassment is how I think, reflect on what is causing feelings of immobility. The movement, the change, the strangers I yell at…it soothes me because is different from normal routine. The change, the newness of the experiences I have while on the road revitalize me and feed romantic spirit that resides in me and the heart that pumps steaming hot blood through powerful arteries. I soon begin once again getting into fist fights with restaurant serving staff, a sure sign that am back to my eternally youthful vigor and splendor.

Yet the gloom and doom returns once I am back “stateside”, as the Yankees say. The perfidy of this country and the dumb, cow-like people that inhabit it have a way of slowly sucking vitality out of world around you until you see nothing but shades of grey and commercials for McDonald’s.

I need change in my environment if I am to stay sane in this unimaginably tedious country, and with landscaping recently completed, I think inside of house to be logical next step in evolution of living space to keep up with my capricious tastes. For this change, I demand only the best, and the best was what I got with Inspired Remodels.

The company came recommended to me from long standing friend and client who recently had his bathroom remodeled and knows that I would come after him one day or another, possibly violently, if he did not approach me with name first. Inspired Remodel Contractors specializes in remodeling kitchens, bathrooms, and redoing flooring, but they also offer full-house remodeling that gives entire home new look from ground up, exactly what I needed.

This time, brain drain from humdrum existence in America forced me to only provide briefest sketch of my plans for new house, though it was still enough to shock Jason and Joe (owners) with its detail and audacity. They listened as I rant for hours on end, then talk me down from perch on top of book case throwing torn papers around the room and eventually we came on agreement for what house will look like in future.

The welcome sounds of carpentry, turpentine, and other signs of change and industry have brought new light into life here. I can once again concentrate on building nuevo French empire, eating away at America from the inside, and fight every waiter that I want without dragging feet on way home, dreading opening door to see more of the same.

If you are interested in the spotlighted company, please look them up at:

Inspired Remodels

(949) 412-9567

23332 Madero Suite B, Mission Viejo, CA 92691